[ Canon EOS R5...not a review!!! ]
ออกตัวล้อฟรีตั้งแต่หัวโพส ว่านี่ไม่ใช่การรีวิวนะ!!
เรื่องมันมีอยู่ว่า...เมื่อปี 10 ปีก่อน ตอนที่ผมเริ่มหัดถ่ายภาพใหม่ ๆ…
เฮ้ย เดี๋ยว...ย้อนไกลไป 😝
อะ เอาใหม่ คืองี้ครับ...เมื่อ 3 เดือนก่อน ตอนที่ Canon ประกาศเปิดตัวเจ้า Canon EOS R5 เรือธงน้องใหม่ไร้กระจกออกมา ผมอ่านสเปคด้านการถ่ายรูปโดยคร่าวแล้วรู้สึกว้าวอยู่ในใจมิใช่น้อย มันเป็นสเปคแบบเดียวกับที่ผมคิดว่ากล้องที่ครบเครื่องเรื่องถ่ายภาพในยุคนี้ ควรจะมีสเปคประมาณนี้แหละ...ก็เลยเป็นที่มาของความอยากรู้อยากลองด้วยตัวเองว่ามันเจ๋งจริงรึเปล่า
และด้วยความช่วยเหลือจากน้าไก่ Niphon Saengpueng ผู้มากบารมีในวงการกล้อง (หรอฟระ) ติดต่อประสานงานกับผู้ใหญ่ใจดีผู้มากบารมีในวงการกล้อง (ตัวจริง) ให้อีกที ผมจึงได้โอกาสติดต่อกับ Canon Marketing Thailand เพื่อขอยืม Canon EOS R5 มาทดสอบให้หายคัน ด้วยประการฉะนี้
อย่างที่ได้ออกตัวตั้งแต่ต้นครับ...นี่ไม่ใช่การรีวิวกล้อง...แต่มันคือการเอาไปลองใช้ และทดสอบเฉพาะเรื่องที่ผมอยากรู้อยากเห็น แล้วเอามาเล่าให้ฟังแบบสั้น ๆ (แต่ดันเกริ่นซะยาว 😅)...ซึ่งขอออกตัวอีกทีว่างานนี้ทำฟรีไม่มีค่าจ้างแต่อย่างใด...ซึ่งตรงนี้ต้องขอขอบคุณทาง Canon Marketing Thailand จริง ๆ ที่แม้ว่าจะบอกเงื่อนไขไปว่า ผมไม่ทำรีวิวนะ แค่อยากจะลองเฉย ๆ...คือเรื่องเยอะขนาดนี้ก็ยังอุตส่าห์ให้มาลอง อันนี้ขอบคุณจากใจเลยครับ 🙏
เอ้า เกริ่นยาวเหยียด มาเข้าเรื่องกันสักที 😅...ไหน ๆ ก็ได้ลองแล้ว ผมก็เลยอยากมาสรุปเป็นเรื่องที่ชอบ และไม่ชอบ เอาไว้ให้ดูกันสักหน่อยครับ
❤ ชอบ
- Eye AF ในโหมด focus ที่เน้นใบหน้า สามารถเปลี่ยนตา เปลี่ยนคน ได้ง่ายมาก ๆ...เลิฟเลย ณ จุดนี้ (เมื่อไหร่กล้องเราจะเลือกเปลี่ยนตา เปลี่ยนคนได้บ้าง 😭)
- Eye AF ทำงานได้ดีและแม่นยำมาก ๆ
- Auto focus bracketing...น่าจะช่วยให้ถ่าย focus stacking ได้ง่ายขึ้น
- Full touch screen ลื่นไหลปรู้ดปร้าด ใช้ง่าย
- จอแบบ fully-articulated LCD ทำให้ ถ่ายภาพเรียดพื้นในแนวตั้งได้ง่ายเลย
- การลบรูปทำได้ง่ายมาก ๆ (คือกล้องปัจจุบันที่ใช้อยู่ เวลาเมมเต็มแล้วอยากลบหลาย ๆ รูป มันยุ่งยากกว่าพอควร เลยปลื้มปริ่มถึงขนาดเอาเรื่องลบรูปมาเป็นเรื่องที่ชอบ 😂😂)
❌ ไม่ชอบ
- ค่อนข้างใหญ่ เทอะทะไปหน่อย เริ่มหนักไปนิด (อันนี้เป็นเรื่องของสรีระ และวิธีการจับถือของผมเอง ที่ไม่ถนัดกับการจับกล้องใหญ่ ๆ...แม้แต่ Sony A7r IV ผมยังรู้สึกว่ากริปเริ่มใหญ่ไป จับไม่ถนัด 😭)
- ปุ่มเปิดปิดอยู่ทางซ้าย ทำให้ใช้งานมือเดียวแบบยกกล้องขึ้นมาแล้วเปิดถ่ายทันทีไม่ได้ (อันนี้ก็เป็นเรื่องของความเคยชินซะมากกว่า)
⭕ ข้อสังเกต
- ในการถ่ายภาพติดตามวัตถุที่เคลื่อนไหว พบว่าการใช้ electronic shutter จะ refocus เร็วและเข้าเป้ากว่า mechanical shutter มาก ๆ อย่างมีนัยสำคัญ (ทดสอบโดยใช้เลนส์ RF 85 f/1.2 เปิด f/2.0 โดยให้ลูกวิ่งเข้าหา แล้วกดปุ่มให้จับโฟกัสที่ลูกตา จากนั้นก็รัว...พบว่า mechanical shutter เข้าเป้าแค่ไม่กี่เฟรมแรก จากนั้นหลุดหมดเลย ในขณะที่ electronic shutter เข้าเป้าหมด จนกระทั่งลูกวิ่งเข้ามาใกล้มาก ๆ จริง ๆ จึงจะโฟกัสไม่เข้าเป้า)
- อย่างไรก็ตาม ในการใช้งาน electronic shutter จะมี effect จาก rolling shutter ที่เห็นค่อนข้างชัด ทำให้ตอนถ่ายวัตถุที่เคลื่อนไหวแล้วเราหันกล้องตาม ฉากหลังจะล้ม ๆ เอียง ๆ ให้ขัดตาขัดใจอยู่บ้าง (แต่อันนี้งงเองเหมือนกันว่า main subject กลับดูปกติ ไม่รู้ว่าเกี่ยวกับการที่เราหันกล้องตาม main subject รึเปล่าก็ไม่รู้??)
- ลองถ่ายคนในร้านอาหารตอนกลางคืน ที่ไฟไม่ได้สว่างมากนัก สามารถจับโฟกัสได้แม่นยำดี (เร็วรึเปล่าไม่ได้สังเกตครับ แหะ ๆ 😅)
- อันนี้ไม่แน่ใจว่าคิดไปเองรึเปล่าว่ามี lag แบบสังเกตได้...ไม่รู้ว่า user lag, evf lag หรือ shutter lag กันแน่ 😅
- Eye AF มีเอ๋อ ๆ บางครั้ง ไปจับวัตถุที่เป็นรูปวงกลมอื่น ๆ แทนลูกตาคนจริง ๆ ก็มี 😂
💥 โดยสรุป
สำหรับผม (ซึ่งก็ถ่ายรูปมาอย่างจำกัดจำเขี่ย) ผมว่าเป็นกล้องถ่ายภาพที่ครบเครื่องมาก ๆ เลยครับ คือ performance ระดับนี้ เอาไปถ่ายอะไรก็ได้หมดล่ะมั้ง ยิ่งรุ่นต่อ ๆ ไป ก็คงสมบูรณ์แบบมากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ...ใครที่เป็นแฟน Canon หรือแฟนค่ายอื่นที่อยากเปลี่ยนมาใช้ mirrorless...EOS R5 น่าจะเป็นหนึ่งในตัวเลือกที่ดีที่สุดในท้องตลาดเวลานี้เลยครับ
ปล. เน้นเอามาลองดูเรื่องการจับถือ และการ focus เป็นหลัก เนื่องจากคิดว่าเรื่องพวกนี้ต้องลองเองถึงจะรู้ ในขณะที่เรื่อง dynamic range, noise และกันสั่น ผมไม่ได้ทดสอบเลย เพราะคิดว่าพวกนี้มีคนทดสอบกันเยอะแล้ว ดูจากรีวิวอื่น ๆ ก็คงไม่ต่างกันครับ
ปปล. เนื่องจากไม่เคยใช้ Canon มาก่อน ประกอบกับมีเวลาลองเล่นไม่กี่วัน ดังนั้น หากมีการให้ความเห็นที่ผิดพลาดประการใด อาจเกิดจาก user error เองก็เป็นได้ ซึ่งผมต้องขออภัยล่วงหน้ามา ณ ที่นี้ด้วยครับ
ปปปล. ภาพประกอบส่วนใหญ่ปรับแต่งไม่มาก ปรับแสงปรับสีนิดหน่อย ยกเว้นภาพถ่ายในร้านอาหารที่ปรับ WB ค่อนข้างเยอะ และภาพถ่ายทะเลที่แต่งแบบจัดเต็ม…คือภาพประกอบอาจจะดูงั้น ๆ (หรือถึงขั้นที่ว่า ไม่สวยเลย) ขอจงโปรดเข้าใจ...มีเวลาจับอยู่ไม่กี่วัน แต่แดดไม่มา แสงไม่มีเลยครับ 😭😭...ถือซะว่ามาอ่านบทความก็แล้วกันครับ 🙏
#BornToRule #CanonThailand #Canon #EOSR5
[ Canon EOS R5...not a review!!! ]
Free wheels from the head. Posting that this is not a review!!
The story is... 10 years ago when I learned to take new photos...
Hey wait... way back 😝
Let's do it again... 3 months ago when Canon announced the release of Canon EOS EOS, the new flagship without glass. I read the specs of the photoshoot and I felt wowed in my heart. It's the same specification. I think a camera that is complete in this era should have a spec like this... so it's the source of curiosity. Try it yourself if it's really cool.
And with the help of the prestige auntie Kai @[698452170:2048:Niphon Saengpueng] in the camera (Avala). Coordinate with the kind adults and prestige in the camera (the real ones). So I got the opportunity to contact Canon Marketing Thailand to borrow Canon EOS. R5 Let's test it to get rid of itchy.
As I have been published since the beginning... This is not a camera review... but it is a try and test. Only what I want to know and tell you briefly. (but Dungray It's long 😅)... which I'm going out again that this job is free. No payment at all... Thank you Canon Marketing Thailand for real. Despite the conditions that I don't do any reviews. I want to try it... Well, there are many things like this. I still want you to try this. Thank you from my heart. 🙏
Well, the long granny. Let's get into the story. 😅... I tried it and I want to conclude it. It's like and don't like it. Let's see it.
❤ I like it
- Eye AF in focus mode, facial focus can change eyes, change people easily... Love at this point. (When will the camera choose to change the eyes, change the person 😭)
- Eye AF works very well and precisely
- Auto focus bracketing... should make focus stacking easier
- Full touch screen. Smooth. Easy to use.
- fully-articulated LCD screen makes it easy to capture vertical flooring photos.
- Deleting photos is very easy. (It's the current camera I use. When the meme is full, I want to delete many photos. It's a bit more complicated than enough. I'm impressed. I'm taking photos to delete them as I like them. 😂😂)
❌ don't like
- A little bit big, a little bit too heavy (This is all about the hustle and my own way of holding on to the big camera... Even Sony A7r IV, I feel the grip is getting big. I can't catch you well 😭)
- Turn off button on the left. One-handed use in the camera and can't be taken instantly. (This is more of a familiarity)
⭕ Observation
- In a portrait of a moving object, the use of an electronic shutter is refocus faster and more targeted than mechanical shutter significantly. (Tested using RF 85 f / 1.2 lens, f / 2.0 open f / 2.0 by giving the ball a run. Approaching and pressing the button to focus on the eyeball then... Found that mechanical shutter hit the target for the first few frames, then dropped out while electronic shutter was all over the target until the kid ran closer to the target.)
- However, in electronic shutter, there is a effect from rolling shutter that I see relatively clearly. When I film a moving object, I turn the camera to the backdrop. I will fall and lean and interrupt some. (But this one is confusing, I am also main. subject is back to normal. I don't know if it's about us turning the camera on main subject or not??)
- Try filming people in restaurants at night where the light isn't so bright. You can focus on precisely. (Fast or not. I didn't notice. Haha 😅)
- I'm not sure if I think about it myself that I have an observable lag... I don't know user lag, evf lag or shutter lag 😅
- Eye AF has ah, sometimes to catch other circular objects instead of eyeballs. 😂
💥 by summary
For me (which I took limited photos, I think it's a very full camera. This level of performance can be taken. The more the next generation will be perfect... Who is this? Canon fans or other camp fans who want to change to mirrorless... EOS EOS is probably one of the best options on the market at this time.
Ps. Focusing on this. Try it on hold and focus mainly because I think that these things have to try for myself. While the dynamic range, noise and vibration, I didn't test it because I think there are a lot of tests. See from other reviews. There would be no difference.
Ps. Since I have never used Canon before, I have a few days to try to play. If there are any wrong comments, it may be from User error. I apologize in advance.
Ps. ps. Most of the illustrations are not much customizable, a bit of color adjustment, except for a photo in a restaurant with quite a lot of WB and a fully edited sea photo... Well, the illustration may look so (or not so pretty). Please. I understand... I have a few days to catch, but the sun doesn't come to light. I don't have any 😭😭... Let's just read the article. 🙏
#BornToRule #CanonThailand #Canon #EOSR5
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過45萬的網紅Brandon Li,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I had about 2 months to try out the amazing Sony A7siii, and here are my unbiased, honest thoughts (and lots of footage). I've filmed with Sony mirror...
「film dynamic range」的推薦目錄:
- 關於film dynamic range 在 2how Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於film dynamic range 在 Photonews 攝影日報 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於film dynamic range 在 Photonews 攝影日報 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於film dynamic range 在 Brandon Li Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於film dynamic range 在 DrTech Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於film dynamic range 在 Sharmaine K Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於film dynamic range 在 Film vs. Digital: This is How Dynamic Range Compares 的評價
- 關於film dynamic range 在 What are the dynamic ranges of commonly available 35mm film? 的評價
film dynamic range 在 Photonews 攝影日報 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Fujifilm X-T4即將推出,美國訂價折合約HK$13,000,呢個價錢你deal唔deal先? 以下是漏出的規格:
Number of effective pixels 26.1 millions pixels
Image sensor
23.5mm x15.6mm (APS-C) X-Trans CMOS 4 with primary color filter.
Sensor Cleaning system Ultra Sonic Vibration
Storage media
SD memory card (-2GB) / SDHC memory card (-32GB) / SDXC memory card (-512GB) UHS-I / UHS-II / Video Speed Class V90
File Format
Still image JPEG: Exif Ver.2.3, RAW: 14bit RAW (RAF original format) TIFF: 8/16bit RGB
Number of Recorded Pixels
L: (3:2) 6240 x 4160 / (16:9) 6240 x 3512/ (1:1) 4160 x 4160 M: (3:2) 4416 x 2944/ (16:9) 4416 x 2488/ (1:1) 2944 x 2944 S: (3:2) 3120 x 2080 / (16:9) 3120 x 1760 / (1:1) 2080 x 2080
MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, Audio: Linear PCM / Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling), MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, Audio: AAC)
Standard output sensitivity: AUTO1 / AUTO2 / AUTO3 (up to ISO12800) / ISO160-12800 (1/3 step)
Extended output sensitivity: ISO80/100/125/25600/51200
Exposure control
TTL 256-zone metering, Multi / Spot / Average / Center Weighted
Exposure Modes
P (Program AE) / A (Aperture Priority AE) / S (Shutter Speed Priority AE) / M (Manual Exposure)
Exposure compensation
-5.0EV – +5.0EV 1/3EV step
Movie recording
-2.0EV – +2.0EV
Image Stabilizer Mechanism
Image sensor shift mechanism with 5-axis compensation
Image Stabilizer Compensation Effect
Maximum 6.5 stops (based on CIPA standard. Pitch/yaw shake only. With XF35mmF1.4 R lens mounted.)
Digital Image Stabilizer
Yes (movie mode only)
IS Mode Boost
Yes (movie mode only)
Face / Eye detection AF
Shutter type
Focal Plane Shutter
Mechanical Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Electronic Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: 1sec. Fixed
Electronic Front Curtain Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Mechanical + Electronic Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
E-Front + Mechanical Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min
Electronic front curtain shutter works until 1/2000sec.
E-Front + Mechanical + Elec. Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Electronic front curtain shutter works until 1/2000sec, Mechanical shutter works until 1/8000sec.
Movie Shutter
FHD: 1/8000sec. to 1/4sec.
DCI4K/4K: 1/8000sec. to 1/24sec. (depends on the frame rate)
Synchronized shutter speed for flash
1/250sec. or slower
Continous Shooting
Approx. 30fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 60 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 35 frames Uncompressed RAW: 33 frames)
Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 114 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 37 frames Uncompressed RAW: 34 frames)
Approx. 10fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 500 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 48 frames Uncompressed RAW: 39 frames)
Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter ] (JPEG: 79 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 36 frames Uncompressed RAW: 34 frames)
Approx. 15fps (JPEG: 110 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 38 frames Uncompressed RAW: 35 frames)
Approx. 10fps (JPEG: 164 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 44 frames Uncompressed RAW: 37 frames)
Approx. 8fps (JPEG: 200 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 49 frames Uncompressed RAW: 39 frames)
Approx. 30fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 20 frames while half press, max. 20 frames after full press, total max. 40 frames) Pre-shot: Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 20 frames while half press, max. 37 frames after full press, total max. 57 frames) Pre-shot: Approx. 10fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 10 frames while half press, max. 300 frames after full press, total max. 310 frames)
Auto Bracketing
AE Bracketing (Frames: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 Step: by 1/3EV step, up to +/-3EV steps) Filmsimulation bracketing (Any 3 types of film simulation selectable)
Dynamic Range Bracketing (100%, 200%, 400%)
ISO sensitivity Bracketing ( +/-1/3EV, +/-2/3EV, +/-1EV)
White Balance Bracketing ( +/-1, +/-2, +/-3)
Focus Bracketing (AUTO, MANUAL)
Focus Mode
Single AF / Continuous AF / MF
Focus Type
Intelligent Hybrid AF (TTL contrast AF / TTL phase detection AF)
Focu Low-Light Performance
Contrast: -3.0EV Phase Detection: -6.0EV (XF35mmF1.4 attached)
Focus AF Frame Selection
Single point AF: EVF / LCD: 13×9 / 25×17 (Changeable size of AF frame) Zone AF: 3×3 / 5×5 / 7×7 from 91 areas on 13×9 grid
Wide/Tracking AF, AF-S: Wide / AF-C: Tracking All
White Balance
Auto (WHITE PRIORITY, AUTO, AMBIENCE PRIORITY), / Custom1-3 / Color temperature selection (2500K-10000K) / Preset: Fine, Shade, Fluorescent light (Daylight), Fluorescent light (Warm White), Fluorescent light (Cool White), Incandescent light, Underwater
10sec. / 2sec.
Interval Timer Shooting
Yes (Setting: Interval, Number of shots, Starting time)
Flash Sync Mode
Flash Mode
Hot Shoe
Yes (Dedicated TTL Flash compatible)
0.5 inch approx. 3.69 millions dots OLED Color Viewfinder
Coverage of viewing area vs. capturing area: approx. 100%
Eyepoint: approx. 23mm (from the eyepiece lens)
Diopter adjustment: -4-+2m-1 (lockable)
Magnification: 0.75 x with 50mm lens (35mm equivalent) at infinity and diopter set to -1m-1
Diagonal angle of view: approx. 38 Degree (Horizontal angle of view: approx. 30 Degree )
Built-in eye sensor
LCD monitor
3.0 inch, aspect ratio 3:2, approx. 1.62 millions dots touch screen color LCD monitor (approx. 100% coverage)
Movie Recording File Format
MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, Audio: Linear PCM / Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling)
MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, Audio: AAC)
Movie Recording Compression
All Intra/Long-GOP
DCI4K/4K 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps Full HD (2048 x1080)/ Full HD (1920 x1080) 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps
Movie File Size/Frame Rate/Rec. Time
[DCI 4K (4096 x2160)]59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps/200Mbps/100Mbps 59.94p/50p: up to approx. 20min. 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: up to approx. 30min
[4K (3840 x2160)]59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps/200Mbps/100Mbps 59.94p/50p: up to approx. 20min. 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: up to approx. 30min
[Full HD (2048 x1080)] 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps up to approx. 30min.
[Full HD (1920 x1080)] 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps up to approx. 30min.
[Full HD (1920 x1080) High speed rec.] 240p / 200p 200Mbps(recording) up to approx. 3min. 120p / 100p 200Mbps(recording) up to approx. 6min.Film Simulation mode
18 modes (PROVIA/Standard, Velvia/Vivid, ASTIA/Soft, Classic Chrome, PRO Neg.Hi, PRO Neg.Std, Black & White, Black & White+Ye Filter, Black & White+R Filter, Black & White+G Filter, Sepia, ACROS, ACROS+Ye Filter, ACROS+R Filter, ACROS+G Filter, ETERNA/Cinema, Classic Neg, ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS) Monochromatic ColorClarity Setting
+/-5 steps
HDR Mode
AUTO, 200%, 400%, 800%, 800% +
Grain Effect
Color Chrome Effect STRONG, WEAK, OFF
Color Chrom Effect Blue STRONG, WEAK, OFF
Dynamic Range Setting Still
AUTO, 100%, 200%, 400%
ISO restriction (DR100%: No limit, DR200%: ISO320 or more, DR400%: ISO640 or more)
Dynamic Range Setting Movie
100%, 200%, 400%
ISO restriction (DR100%: No limit, DR200%: ISO320 or more, DR400%: ISO640 or more)
Advanced Filter
Toy camera, Miniature, Pop color, High-key, Low-key, Dynamic tone, Soft focus, Partial color (Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Blue / Purple)
Wireless Transmitter Standard
IEEE802.11b/g/n (standard wireless protocol)
Wireless Transmitter Encryption
WEP / WPA / WPA2 mixed mode
Wireless Encryption Access mode Infrastructure
Bluetooth Standard
Bluetooth Ver 4.2 (Bluetooth low energy)
Bluetooth Operating frequency
2402 – 2480MHz (Center frequency)
Digital interface: USB Type-C (USB3.2 Gen1x1)
HDMI output: HDMI micro connector (Type D)
Other: 3.5mm, stereo mini connector (Microphone) / 2.5mm, Remote Release Connector, Hot shoe, Synchronized terminal
Power supply
NP-W235 Li-ion battery (included)
Battery life for still images
Approx. 600 frames (Economy Mode), approx. 500 frames (Normal Mode) When XF35mmF1.4 R is set.
Actual battery life of movie capture Face detection is set to OFF
[4K] approx. 85min. (29.97p) [Full HD] approx. 95min. (59.94p)
Continuance battery life
Face detection is set to OFF
[4K] approx. 110min. (29.97p)
[Full HD] approx. 130min. (59.94p) (movie capture)
Operating Temerature
-10 Degree C-+40 Degree C
Operating Humidity
10%-80% (no condensation)
Li-ion battery NP-W235
Starting up period Approx. 0.39sec.
Dimensions (D x W x H)
63.8 x 134.6 x 92.8 mm
Approx. 607g (including battery and SD memory card) Approx. 526g (excluding battery and SD memory card)
film dynamic range 在 Photonews 攝影日報 Facebook 的最佳解答
Fujifilm X-T4即將推出,美國訂價折合約HK$13,000,呢個價錢你deal唔deal先? 以下是漏出的規格:
Number of effective pixels 26.1 millions pixels
Image sensor
23.5mm x15.6mm (APS-C) X-Trans CMOS 4 with primary color filter.
Sensor Cleaning system Ultra Sonic Vibration
Storage media
SD memory card (-2GB) / SDHC memory card (-32GB) / SDXC memory card (-512GB) UHS-I / UHS-II / Video Speed Class V90
File Format
Still image JPEG: Exif Ver.2.3, RAW: 14bit RAW (RAF original format) TIFF: 8/16bit RGB
Number of Recorded Pixels
L: (3:2) 6240 x 4160 / (16:9) 6240 x 3512/ (1:1) 4160 x 4160 M: (3:2) 4416 x 2944/ (16:9) 4416 x 2488/ (1:1) 2944 x 2944 S: (3:2) 3120 x 2080 / (16:9) 3120 x 1760 / (1:1) 2080 x 2080
MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, Audio: Linear PCM / Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling), MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, Audio: AAC)
Standard output sensitivity: AUTO1 / AUTO2 / AUTO3 (up to ISO12800) / ISO160-12800 (1/3 step)
Extended output sensitivity: ISO80/100/125/25600/51200
Exposure control
TTL 256-zone metering, Multi / Spot / Average / Center Weighted
Exposure Modes
P (Program AE) / A (Aperture Priority AE) / S (Shutter Speed Priority AE) / M (Manual Exposure)
Exposure compensation
-5.0EV – +5.0EV 1/3EV step
Movie recording
-2.0EV – +2.0EV
Image Stabilizer Mechanism
Image sensor shift mechanism with 5-axis compensation
Image Stabilizer Compensation Effect
Maximum 6.5 stops (based on CIPA standard. Pitch/yaw shake only. With XF35mmF1.4 R lens mounted.)
Digital Image Stabilizer
Yes (movie mode only)
IS Mode Boost
Yes (movie mode only)
Face / Eye detection AF
Shutter type
Focal Plane Shutter
Mechanical Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Electronic Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: 1sec. Fixed
Electronic Front Curtain Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Mechanical + Electronic Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
E-Front + Mechanical Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/8000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/8000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/8000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min
Electronic front curtain shutter works until 1/2000sec.
E-Front + Mechanical + Elec. Shutter
P mode: 4sec. to 1/32000sec. A mode: 30sec. to 1/32000sec. S/M mode: 15min. to 1/32000sec. Bulb mode: up to 60min.
Electronic front curtain shutter works until 1/2000sec, Mechanical shutter works until 1/8000sec.
Movie Shutter
FHD: 1/8000sec. to 1/4sec.
DCI4K/4K: 1/8000sec. to 1/24sec. (depends on the frame rate)
Synchronized shutter speed for flash
1/250sec. or slower
Continous Shooting
Approx. 30fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 60 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 35 frames Uncompressed RAW: 33 frames)
Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 114 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 37 frames Uncompressed RAW: 34 frames)
Approx. 10fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (JPEG: 500 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 48 frames Uncompressed RAW: 39 frames)
Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter ] (JPEG: 79 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 36 frames Uncompressed RAW: 34 frames)
Approx. 15fps (JPEG: 110 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 38 frames Uncompressed RAW: 35 frames)
Approx. 10fps (JPEG: 164 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 44 frames Uncompressed RAW: 37 frames)
Approx. 8fps (JPEG: 200 frames Lossless compressed RAW / Compressed RAW: 49 frames Uncompressed RAW: 39 frames)
Approx. 30fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 20 frames while half press, max. 20 frames after full press, total max. 40 frames) Pre-shot: Approx. 20fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 20 frames while half press, max. 37 frames after full press, total max. 57 frames) Pre-shot: Approx. 10fps [Only electronic shutter, 1.25 x Crop ] (max. 10 frames while half press, max. 300 frames after full press, total max. 310 frames)
Auto Bracketing
AE Bracketing (Frames: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 Step: by 1/3EV step, up to +/-3EV steps) Filmsimulation bracketing (Any 3 types of film simulation selectable)
Dynamic Range Bracketing (100%, 200%, 400%)
ISO sensitivity Bracketing ( +/-1/3EV, +/-2/3EV, +/-1EV)
White Balance Bracketing ( +/-1, +/-2, +/-3)
Focus Bracketing (AUTO, MANUAL)
Focus Mode
Single AF / Continuous AF / MF
Focus Type
Intelligent Hybrid AF (TTL contrast AF / TTL phase detection AF)
Focu Low-Light Performance
Contrast: -3.0EV Phase Detection: -6.0EV (XF35mmF1.4 attached)
Focus AF Frame Selection
Single point AF: EVF / LCD: 13×9 / 25×17 (Changeable size of AF frame) Zone AF: 3×3 / 5×5 / 7×7 from 91 areas on 13×9 grid
Wide/Tracking AF, AF-S: Wide / AF-C: Tracking All
White Balance
Auto (WHITE PRIORITY, AUTO, AMBIENCE PRIORITY), / Custom1-3 / Color temperature selection (2500K-10000K) / Preset: Fine, Shade, Fluorescent light (Daylight), Fluorescent light (Warm White), Fluorescent light (Cool White), Incandescent light, Underwater
10sec. / 2sec.
Interval Timer Shooting
Yes (Setting: Interval, Number of shots, Starting time)
Flash Sync Mode
Flash Mode
Hot Shoe
Yes (Dedicated TTL Flash compatible)
0.5 inch approx. 3.69 millions dots OLED Color Viewfinder
Coverage of viewing area vs. capturing area: approx. 100%
Eyepoint: approx. 23mm (from the eyepiece lens)
Diopter adjustment: -4-+2m-1 (lockable)
Magnification: 0.75 x with 50mm lens (35mm equivalent) at infinity and diopter set to -1m-1
Diagonal angle of view: approx. 38 Degree (Horizontal angle of view: approx. 30 Degree )
Built-in eye sensor
LCD monitor
3.0 inch, aspect ratio 3:2, approx. 1.62 millions dots touch screen color LCD monitor (approx. 100% coverage)
Movie Recording File Format
MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, Audio: Linear PCM / Stereo sound 24bit / 48KHz sampling)
MP4 (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, Audio: AAC)
Movie Recording Compression
All Intra/Long-GOP
DCI4K/4K 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps Full HD (2048 x1080)/ Full HD (1920 x1080) 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps
Movie File Size/Frame Rate/Rec. Time
[DCI 4K (4096 x2160)]59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps/200Mbps/100Mbps 59.94p/50p: up to approx. 20min. 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: up to approx. 30min
[4K (3840 x2160)]59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 400Mbps/200Mbps/100Mbps 59.94p/50p: up to approx. 20min. 29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p: up to approx. 30min
[Full HD (2048 x1080)] 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps up to approx. 30min.
[Full HD (1920 x1080)] 59.94p/50p/29.97p/25p/24p/23.98p 200Mbps/100Mbps/50Mbps up to approx. 30min.
[Full HD (1920 x1080) High speed rec.] 240p / 200p 200Mbps(recording) up to approx. 3min. 120p / 100p 200Mbps(recording) up to approx. 6min.Film Simulation mode
18 modes (PROVIA/Standard, Velvia/Vivid, ASTIA/Soft, Classic Chrome, PRO Neg.Hi, PRO Neg.Std, Black & White, Black & White+Ye Filter, Black & White+R Filter, Black & White+G Filter, Sepia, ACROS, ACROS+Ye Filter, ACROS+R Filter, ACROS+G Filter, ETERNA/Cinema, Classic Neg, ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS) Monochromatic ColorClarity Setting
+/-5 steps
HDR Mode
AUTO, 200%, 400%, 800%, 800% +
Grain Effect
Color Chrome Effect STRONG, WEAK, OFF
Color Chrom Effect Blue STRONG, WEAK, OFF
Dynamic Range Setting Still
AUTO, 100%, 200%, 400%
ISO restriction (DR100%: No limit, DR200%: ISO320 or more, DR400%: ISO640 or more)
Dynamic Range Setting Movie
100%, 200%, 400%
ISO restriction (DR100%: No limit, DR200%: ISO320 or more, DR400%: ISO640 or more)
Advanced Filter
Toy camera, Miniature, Pop color, High-key, Low-key, Dynamic tone, Soft focus, Partial color (Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Blue / Purple)
Wireless Transmitter Standard
IEEE802.11b/g/n (standard wireless protocol)
Wireless Transmitter Encryption
WEP / WPA / WPA2 mixed mode
Wireless Encryption Access mode Infrastructure
Bluetooth Standard
Bluetooth Ver 4.2 (Bluetooth low energy)
Bluetooth Operating frequency
2402 – 2480MHz (Center frequency)
Digital interface: USB Type-C (USB3.2 Gen1x1)
HDMI output: HDMI micro connector (Type D)
Other: 3.5mm, stereo mini connector (Microphone) / 2.5mm, Remote Release Connector, Hot shoe, Synchronized terminal
Power supply
NP-W235 Li-ion battery (included)
Battery life for still images
Approx. 600 frames (Economy Mode), approx. 500 frames (Normal Mode) When XF35mmF1.4 R is set.
Actual battery life of movie capture Face detection is set to OFF
[4K] approx. 85min. (29.97p) [Full HD] approx. 95min. (59.94p)
Continuance battery life
Face detection is set to OFF
[4K] approx. 110min. (29.97p)
[Full HD] approx. 130min. (59.94p) (movie capture)
Operating Temerature
-10 Degree C-+40 Degree C
Operating Humidity
10%-80% (no condensation)
Li-ion battery NP-W235
Starting up period Approx. 0.39sec.
Dimensions (D x W x H)
63.8 x 134.6 x 92.8 mm
Approx. 607g (including battery and SD memory card) Approx. 526g (excluding battery and SD memory card)
film dynamic range 在 Brandon Li Youtube 的精選貼文
I had about 2 months to try out the amazing Sony A7siii, and here are my unbiased, honest thoughts (and lots of footage). I've filmed with Sony mirrorless cameras for almost 10 years now, so this camera is kind of a big deal for me. I had very high expectations, and the a7siii rocked it. Great job Sony! Thank you Kobe for always being there for me.
If you like my camera moves, check out my Gimbal Masterclass: https://gimbalmasterclass.com/brandon/
Take my full run-and-gun filmmaking course: https://myfilm.school/a7siii-review
Learn Filmmaking for Photographers: https://filmmakingforphotographers.com/
Pre-Order Sony A7siii: https://geni.us/sony-a7siii
0:00 Intro, Why I Love Standard Creative Style
2:26 Sunny Day Test Footage
3:52 Autofocus
5:57 Rolling Shutter
6:35 Slow Motion
7:56 Dynamic Range
9:21 After Sunset Test Footage
10:13 Low Light (Comparison with A7sii)
11:55 ISO Range
13:39 Sharpness (Black Promist and Black Satin Filter Tests)
15:04 Stabilization
16:04 Creative Exercise: Narrative-Style Shots
20:31 Sirui Anamorphic Lens Tests
22:30 Conclusion
Lenses used in this video:
Sony 24mm f1.4 G Master Lens: https://geni.us/sony-24mm-g
Sony FE 35mm f1.8 Lens: https://geni.us/sony-fe-35m
Sony 50mm 1.4 Planar Lens: https://geni.us/sony-50mm-plana
Sony 85mm f1.8 Lens: https://geni.us/sony-sel-85mm
Sony 135mm f1.8 G Master Lens: https://geni.us/sony135mm
Sirui 35mm Anamorphic Lens (you'll need an e-mount adapter from Sirui): https://geni.us/sirui-35mm-mf
Sirui 50mm Anamorphic Lens: https://geni.us/sirui-50mm-e
My Gimbal: https://bdn.li/my-gimbal
My Tripod: https://geni.us/C5KxQ5
My motion control:
MY OTHER GEAR: https://learn.unscripted.com/gear/
Music by Artlist.io
Join Artlist for music and sound fx (2 extra months free): https://geni.us/artlistbrandonl
Join Artgrid stock footage: https://geni.us/artgridbrandon
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and B&H Photo Video Affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and bhphotovideo.com. Additionally, I participate in other affiliate programs, and sometimes get a commission through purchases made through my links.

film dynamic range 在 DrTech Youtube 的最讚貼文
Canon EOS R5 | 4k Video Test | EOS R5
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film dynamic range 在 Sharmaine K Youtube 的最佳解答
University of Kent, Fine Art Degree Show,
21st – 31st May –2015
An exhibition of 26 exciting emerging artists in Kent
The University of Kent’s School of Music and Fine Art presents the Fine Art Degree Show 2016 in the extraordinary environment of The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, featuring the work of 26 graduating BA and MA Fine Art students.
Opening with a preview on Saturday May 21st, 1pm-5pm,
with guest speaker, Patricia Bickers, writer, curator and editor of Art Monthly
and music from artist Benedict Drew.
The exhibition is open to all and is free to attend.
Open to the public (10am-5pm):
Sunday 22nd May
Tuesday 24th May - Tuesday 31st May inclusive.
Continuing a tradition of showcasing bold, exploratory exhibitions curated by the University of Kent’s Fine Art students, framed by the stunning backdrop of one of the country’s most iconic locations, the Historic Dockyard Chatham, our visitors will encounter a broad range of artistic styles and media, an explosion of imagination and a celebration of art’s potential for society.
This exhibition offers the public a fascinating insight into contemporary art’s most recent practices and processes such as a ‘Grand Design’ home evolved by a hoarder, an oozing conversation with the earth, a system of tunnels, angry letters about Gillingham’s Samurai sent to Medway council, a Dockyard worker’s fall down a well as sculpture, personal Facebook data becomes food, a dream-like exploration of the car industry, hand movements translated into Fibonacci sound, an autobiographical feature length film made on a mobile phone and a performance where the rules of tennis are applied to an exam.
The Degree Show’s aim is to encourage audiences to explore the potential of Medway as a dynamic hub for art, with the School of Music and Fine Art as a major conduit for these activities, positively impacting on the community and offering imaginative suggestions and visionary strategies for cultural regeneration.
As well as involving students from Kent, and across the UK, this year’s Degree Show exhibitors include student artists from Iran, Thailand, China, Russia, Italy, Cyprus, Mexico, Hong Kong, Isle of Man and Ghana.
The Fine Art Degree Show exhibition catalogue features texts by academics across a range of University of Kent Schools: Emily Rosamond, Grant Pooke, Simon Smith, Howard Griffin and Rebecca Hobbs.
Degree Show visitors can attend a wide range of exciting educational activities. Young people attending can also participate in workshops with some of the exhibiting artists. On Tuesday 24h May and Wednesday 25th May Education Days will be held for local schools and colleges. Attendees will be able to view the Show and hear talks from the artists; they will also be encouraged to produce their own artwork in response to their experience of the Show. If you would like to bring a school, college or university group to this event (all ages welcome) please email mfaadmissions@kent.ac.uk
Visitors to the Degree Show will also be able to visit the Historic Dockyard's thematic exhibition of international contemporary art works, "Of the Sea," a competition (in collaboration with the School of Music and Fine Art) whose jury panel includes Kathleen Palmer (Head of Art, Imperial War Museum), and Victoria Pomery (Director of Turner Contemporary, Margate).
The Degree Show Address:
The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TY
Entry is at The Historic Dockyard Chatham Visitor Entrance, via The Galvanising Shop (next to the Dockyard’s visitors’ car park on the East Road).
Contact Details:
For further press information and images of the works on display please contact School Reception:
or telephone 01634 888 980.
Twitter: @unikentmfa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UoKDegreeShow
Tumblr http://degreeshow2016.tumblr.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/degreeshow2016/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Uokdegreeshow/
The School of Music and Fine Art was rated within the top ten of Art university departments in the UK (Guardian League Tables, 2015) an accolade supported by a top 20 University which came 3rd for ‘overall satisfaction’ in the National Student Survey, 2014
All members of the Fine Art academic staff are actively engaged as nationally and internationally exhibiting artists and published writers and include Shona Illingworth, Sarah Turner, Dr Andrew Conio, Emily Rosamund, Adam Chodzko, Tim Meacham and Dr Steve Klee.
We have links with many leading arts organisations including; Whitstable Biennale and Turner Contemporary, Margate. We actively engage with collaborations and participation with our local community in Medway.
The department attracts students from all over the world and from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.

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